Cam’s Cuts

(844) GET-CAMS

Get Your Lawn Ready for Summer with Cam’s Cuts!

Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to give your lawn the care it deserves!

(844) GET-CAMS

At Cam’s Cuts, we specialize in keeping your yard looking lush, green, and ready for all your outdoor fun. Whether it’s mowing, edging, or a complete lawn makeover, our friendly team is here to help you enjoy a beautiful lawn all season long. Let’s make your summer yard dreams come true!


Don't get buried under...


For the best snow removal services, fall clean-up services and lawn care, and  landscape maintenance, in the Peace region,  you can count on Cam’s Cuts Yard Maintenance. We make it easy to request a quote and schedule your service. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of the services we provide, so there is no risk in trying our services. Get started today!

A Few Words About Us​

Father and son Chris and Cameron Dewar started Cam’s Cuts in May 2018 with 8 residential clients in Dawson Creek.  From that first summer on,  we have grown and expanded the business, now welcoming Fort St. John customers to the Cam’s Cuts family.  


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This Is Why

You Should Choose Us

we are...

Fully Insured

Reliable and Trustworthy

Professional and Experienced